MuktiyaMeans All around freedom From all worries From all pains From all sufferings In all sectors Of your life
MuktiyaProduces Peace, pleasure, prosperity To every human being In all corners of your life.
MuktiyaLiberates people From all worldly problems, Pains and sufferings, Like hunger, Aloneness, insecurity, depression, Loss of confidence, Chronic disease,
Heart disease, heart break, Bruising, assault etc.
MuktiyaProves the Equality of every human being Logically.
MuktiyaMakes you to fly beyond Ultimates of everything in nature.
MuktiyaMakes you understand that If you abuse, harm or kill any one Due to your Greed, caste, color or creed,Then you will meet the same destiny soon.
MuktiyaGives a definite and positive solution To every problem the world is facing and Also tries to help the mankind.
MuktiyaSpreads The light of happiness, Hope of eternity In the entire world.
MuktiyaIncreases positive energy Of every person To neutralize his negative energy so that All human beings can live happily with Endless power, energy & youthfulness.
MuktiyaDoes not cover Any of the worldly religions.In a real sense, It is a way of life meant -For the people,By the peopleOf the people For achieving their ultimate enlightenment
Of their own self For the endless period.
MuktiyaMeans the nature’s property of Eternal non-destructibility Of all the matters Including all living beings. This makes you to accept yourself as Everlasting and evolve as enlightened god.
MuktiyaHelps Weak, poor, sufferer, Sick, wretched & distressed people All over the world without any Caste, color, creed or gender
MuktiyaHelps people To know that there could be The state of everlasting happiness and You can achieve it As you are the emperor of the three worlds And are the self-god & will remain as Self-god for endless period.
MuktiyaInvites all the Philosophers, scientists, Doctors, engineers, Management gurus, Professors, leaders, Women organizations, Ngos, peta etc. Who are sparing their valuable time For the mission to help the mankind. They will find Muktiya Most useful in solving All worldly problems.
MuktiyaIs dedicated to the Women of the world To let them understand that They are also self-gods And gender is not obstructing them anymore.
MuktiyaIs dedicated to the All the common genders of the world
To let them understand that They are also self enlightened gods And their present gender Can not obstruct them To be the almighty god
MuktiyaEstablishes that Every woman has capacity To become a male in turn And therefore if a person is exploiting a women, Then he will soon meet the same fate In coming years numerous times.
MuktiyaIs also dedicated to the Senior citizens of the world To make them realize that They will not die at all and In due course of time, They will simply change their body As they change an old garment As they are also self-gods With all divine powers and qualities Within them forever.
MuktiyaIs also serving the Self exploring people of the world Trying to achieve own enlightenment By exploring various facts Relating to the universe; Visible & non-visible matters Matters with infinite depth Helps a real desirous diver For acquiring self-godship.
Lastly but not the least, MuktiyaSupports All the people of the world Engaged in helping humanity In their own way.